Deauville Place
Located at 5 Deauville Lane in Toronto, Deauville Place has been designed to promote active seniors living. The 62 unit affordable apartments include access to green terraces, landscaping for active seniors, a large common room, two support offices, scooter parking room, an exercise room and more.
Deauville Place was specifically designed for seniors and those with disabilities to promote a lifestyle that ensures their comfort, safety and privacy. All suites are fully self contained one bedroom units, some with balconies. Each suite is heated and air conditioned utilizing a system that allows residents to control their own environment.
To qualify for a unit you must be at least 59 years of age or have a disability. Persons with disabilities require a certificate from the referring agency or a doctor. Your monthly income must not exceed four times the monthly rent.
To apply to Deauville Place, you must:
Fill out the attached Consent and Declaration form for all members of your household.
On a separate page list the income of each person in the household.
Attach proof of all the income and asset information. Acceptable proof of income includes Line 150 of your most recent Notice of Assessment from Canada Revenue Services, Confirmation of Ontario Works or Ontario Disability Support Program, Confirmation of Canada Pension Plan, Old Age Security, or Guaranteed Income Supplement.
Complete as much as you can on the Residential Rental Application.
1 Bedroom - $1,625 + electric
All units are currently occupied. Any new applications will be placed on a waiting list and will be contacted upon the next availability.